1. Enrolment of learner driver at driving school (Enroll at Daron)
    • A student is required to register (Pay fees) at the school and the school issues a receipt and a reference letter to support the student’s application for a Traffic Register Card
  1. Entity registration for Traffic Register Card (TRN) at DRTSS (Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services)
  2. Theory training in preparation for learner’s highway code 1 test at Driving School
  3. Capturing lessons in the MalTis at a driving school (done by the instructors)
  4. Eye test at DRTSS
  5. Booking of learner’s Licence at DRTSS
  6. Payment at DRTSS NBS Bank
  7. Sitting for computerized highway code 1 knowledge test at DRTSS
  8. Payment of learner’s Licence at NBS Bank
  9. Printing of learner’s Licence
  10. Theory and practical driving lessons at driving school
  11. Capturing lessons in the MalTis at driving school
  12. Booking of Highway Code 2 at DRTSS
  13. Payment at NBS Bank
  14. Sitting for computerized highway code 2 knowledge test
  15. Road test at DRTSS
  16. Payment at NBS Bank
  17. Printing of driving Licence card at DRTSS.

Renewing Drivers Licence (late renewal-from 6 months)

  1. Theory training in preparation for Highway code 1
  2. Capturing lessons in the malTis at driving school
  3. Eye test at DRTSS
  4. Booking Highway code 1 exams
  5. Sitting for Computerized highway code knowledge test at DRTSS (you receive a quotation if you pass)
  6. Payment at NBS Bank
  7. Printing of driving license card